Ewerdt Hilgemann in het Kröller Müller Museum
Ewerdt Hilgemann comes to Antwerp in the autumn

Ewerdt Hilgemann comes to Antwerp in the autumn

Ewerdt Hilgemann heeft momenteel in het Kröller Müller Museum een grote solotentoonstelling. De titel is ‘Work in progress’. Deze expo opende op 14 maart, maar moest al snel weer worden gesloten door de COVID-19 crissis.

The expo is a crowning achievement for his years of work, and its extension (until 7 November) inspired us to start working here in Antwerp as well. We will have an expo with a performance in the autumn.

The museum eventually also acquired six works by Hilgemann for its permanent collection. A cube implosion by the artist had already stood in the sculpture park since 2014.