Nico Dockx, Laurence Petrone, Anny De Decker, Antoon Melissen and Stijn Coppejans about the interaction between Beuys and Antwerp and Beuys and Lothar Wolleh.
- Welcome by Ine Van Linthout and the German ambassador
- Video talk with Anny De Decker: Beuys and Beuys in Antwerp
- Artist talk with Nico Dockx and Laurence Petrone
- Antoon Melissen and Stijn Coppejans about Lothar Wolleh and Beuys
- Visit to the expo "Wer nicht denken will, fliegt raus!"
- Interactive performance Thomas Betsens, sound artist
organization: dasKULTURforum Antwerpe, Coppejans Gallery, Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp
Click here for all info.